Most frequent questions and answers

ANSIPPA stands for Anambra Investment Promotion and Protection Agency


The Anambra State Investment Promotion and Protection Agency (ANSIPPA) was created in 2014 for the protection, promotion, monitoring, coordination, and assistance of current and potential investors in investment matters in the state. 


It receives proposals through emails or hand delivery to its office



ANSIPPA offers a One Stop Shop Centre (OSSC) model in which it can process all its client’s investment requirements all under one roof. The agency’s connection with key ministries and departments like the Ministry of Land, ensures that it delivers efficient service for its clients.   


Anambra has one of the largest markets East of Nigeria, high marketing network, wide network of road, safe environment, and high net worth individuals.

The key sectors open for investments in the State are oil and gas, agriculture, industrial, hospitality, transportation, housing, power sector, etc.


The State, depending on the structure of the investment under PPP agreement usually contribute land, give incentives, security and wavier as part of its equity contribution.


ANSIPPA does not offer loans, but they can recommend a prospective investor to financial institutions subject to the prospect meeting the Financial Institution requirements.

A prospective investor submitting a hard copy of their proposal is required to come with a cover letter and a photocopy acknowledgement of receipt.

Anybody can invest in Anambra State provided they are financially capable to execute the proposed project.

It is part of ANSIPPA’s mandate to protect investor’s investments.

Yes, we do. ANSIPPA conducts project inspections, site visits and also renders necessary assistance towards smooth execution of projects.

Block B, Millennium Plaza, Enugu-Onitsha Expressway, Awka, Anambra State.

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Mr. Mark Okoye

By analyzing proposal, documents and financial capability of a prospective investor depending on the State’s priorities per time.

The Agency can offer advisory services especially on key areas of investment opportunities and guide the prospective investor towards the best area of interest.

The State, depending on the structure of the investment under PPP agreement usually contributes land, give incentives, security and wavier as part of its equity contribution.

The Agency facilitates administration of statutory permits, tax/duty waivers, concessions, and authorizations.

This is determined by the terms of agreement by both parties- (the state and the investor), also model of project’s finance structure and sharing ratio.

The State reviews the investment terms and challenges with the investor and work out successful ways to manage the challenges.

The State is working on providing constant power supply to new and existing industries. However, some existing industries already have independent power solution, and such is also encouraged in the State.



ANSIPPA and relevant ministry give the first assessment followed by Governing Council, ANSEC and subsequently the Governor’s approval.